Agora  1.2.0
Agora project
parsedata_dl.m File Reference


Pilot RX by socket threads (=reference time)
 fprintf ("Average delay between rx thread and main thread: %.2f\n",... mean(pilot_recv(subset)))
 fprintf ("In main thread: queueing delay: %.2f, FFT of pilots done: %.2f, ZF done: %.2f, IFFT done: %.2f, total: %.2f\n",... avg_proc_start, avg_fft_duration, avg_zf_duration,... avg_ifft_duration, avg_proc_duration)
 fprintf ("Frame duration: %.2f, RX duration: %.5f, Processing delay: %.5f\n", avg_frame_duration, avg_rx_duration, avg_proc_duration-avg_rx_duration)
 fprintf ("Pilot RX duration: %.2f\n", mean(pilot_rx_duration(subset)))
 fprintf ("Process delay 99th: %.2f, ZF delay 99th: %.3f\n", proc_delay_99th, zf_delay_99th)
 fprintf ("Process delay mean: %.2f (std: %.2f), ZF delay mean: %.2f\n", avg_proc_delay, std_proc_delay, avg_zf_duration)
 fprintf ("DL processing duration: %.2f, std: %.2f\n", avg_proc_duration, std_proc_duration)
 figure (1)
 plot (fft_duration(1:frame_count), 'LineWidth', 2)
 plot (fft_time_in_function(subset), 'LineWidth', 2)
 plot (zf_time_in_function(subset), 'LineWidth', 2)
 plot (demul_time_in_function(subset), 'LineWidth', 2)
 plot (zf_duration(subset), 'LineWidth', 2)
 set (gca, 'FontSize', 18)
 xlabel ('Frame id')
 ylabel ('Duration(us)')
 legend ({ 'FFT in function', 'ZF in function', 'Demodulation in function', 'ZF'})
 figure (2)
 plot (frame_duration_fft(subset), 'LineWidth', 2)
 plot (frame_duration_zf(subset), 'LineWidth', 2)
 plot (frame_duration_demul(subset), 'LineWidth', 2)
 plot (frame_duration_rx(subset), 'LineWidth', 2)
 plot (frame_duration_encode(subset), 'LineWidth', 2)
 legend ({ 'FFT of pilots', 'ZF', 'Demodulation', 'RX', "Deocde"})
 figure (4)
 plot (process_delay(1:frame_count), 'LineWidth', 2)
 ylabel ('Delay(us)')
 title ('Processing delay') figure(5)
 set (h1, 'LineWidth', 2)
 xlabel ('Delay(us)')
 plot (pilot_recv(1:end) -frame_start(1:end), 'LineWidth', 2)
 ylabel ('Time(us)')
 title ('Delay between main thread and rx thread') % figure(8)
 xlabel ('Time(us)')
 fprintf ("In emulator: TX duration %.5f\n", avg_tx_duration)
 figure (6)
 plot (frame_duration_tx(subset), 'LineWidth', 24)
 set (gca, 'FontSize', 24)
 title ('TX duration')
 figure (3)
 set (h2, 'LineWidth', 2)
 set (h3, 'LineWidth', 2, 'LineStyle', '--', 'Color', 'k')
 xlabel ('Duration(us)')
 legend ({sprintf('RX duration(avg:%.2f us)', avg_rx_duration),... sprintf('Precode done(avg:%.2f us)', avg_precode_duration),... sprintf('IFFT done(avg:%.2f us)', avg_proc_duration)}, 'Location', 'southeast')
 title ('CDF of frame duration and processing duration')[f_proc_delay
 fprintf ('99th:%.2f, max:%.2f\n', tail_proc_duration, max(frame_duration_ifft(subset)))


 fid = fopen('../files/experiment/timeresult.txt')
Pilot RX by socket kPilotRX
Pilot RX by socket kProcessingStarted
Pilot RX by socket kPilotAllRX
Pilot RX by socket kFFTDone
Pilot RX by socket kZFDone
Pilot RX by socket kPrecodeDone
Pilot RX by socket kIFFTDone
Pilot RX by socket kEncodeDone
Pilot RX by socket kRXDone temp = textscan(fid,"%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f", 'HeaderLines',2)
 frame_start = temp{1}
 pilot_recv =temp{2}
 process_start = temp{3}
 all_pilot_received = temp{4}
 fft_processed = temp{5}
 zf_processed = temp{6}
 precode_processed = temp{7}
 encode_processed = temp{9}
 rx_processed = temp{10}
 ifft_processed = temp{8}
 demul_duration = demul_processed-zf_processed
 zf_duration = zf_processed-fft_processed
 fft_duration = fft_processed
 ifft_duration = ifft_processed - zf_duration
 frame_duration_rx = rx_processed
 frame_duration_fft = fft_processed
 frame_duration_precode = precode_processed
 frame_duration_encode = encode_processed
 frame_duration_zf = zf_processed
 frame_duration_ifft = ifft_processed
 frame_duration = diff(frame_start)
 frame_count = length(precode_processed)
 pilot_rx_duration = all_pilot_received
 queueing_delay = process_start
 frame_duration_processing = max([frame_duration,frame_duration_encode(1:end-1)],[],2)
 index = [1:frame_count]
 subset = index(1200:frame_count-2)
 avg_frame_duration = mean(frame_duration(subset))
 avg_rx_duration = mean(frame_duration_rx(subset))
 avg_precode_duration = mean(frame_duration_precode(subset))
 avg_proc_duration = mean(frame_duration_ifft(subset))
 std_proc_duration = std(frame_duration_ifft(subset))
 avg_proc_start = mean(process_start(subset))
 avg_zf_duration = mean(zf_duration(subset))
 avg_fft_duration = mean(fft_duration(subset))
 avg_ifft_duration = mean(ifft_duration(subset))
 process_delay = demul_processed-rx_processed
 avg_proc_delay = mean(process_delay(subset))
 std_proc_delay = std(process_delay(subset))
 x_set = x_proc_delay(f_proc_delay>0.99)
 proc_delay_99th = x_set(1)
 zf_delay_99th = x_set(1)
hold on
 h1 = cdfplot(process_delay(subset))
 frame_ends =temp{1}
 frame_duration_tx = diff(frame_ends)
 avg_tx_duration = mean(frame_duration_tx(1200:length(frame_duration_tx)-1))
 frame_duration_rx1 = diff(frame_start)
 h2 =cdfplot(frame_duration_precode(subset))
 h3 =cdfplot(frame_duration_tx(1200:length(frame_duration_tx)-1))
 x_proc_delay = ecdf(frame_duration_ifft(subset))
 tail_proc_duration = x_set(1)

Function Documentation

◆ figure() [1/5]

figure ( )

◆ figure() [2/5]

figure ( )

◆ figure() [3/5]

figure ( )

◆ figure() [4/5]

figure ( )

◆ figure() [5/5]

figure ( )

◆ fprintf() [1/9]

fprintf ( "Average delay between rx thread and main thread: %.2f\n ,
...   meanpilot_recv(subset) 

◆ fprintf() [2/9]

fprintf ( "DL processing duration: %.  2f,
std:%.2f\n ,
avg_proc_duration  ,

◆ fprintf() [3/9]

fprintf ( "Frame duration: %.  2f,
RX duration:%.  5f,
Processing delay:%.5f\n ,
avg_frame_duration  ,
avg_rx_duration  ,
avg_proc_duration avg_rx_duration 

◆ fprintf() [4/9]

fprintf ( "In emulator: TX duration %.5f\n ,

◆ fprintf() [5/9]

fprintf ( "In main thread: queueing delay: %.  2f,
FFT of pilots done:%.  2f,
ZF done:%.  2f,
IFFT done:%.  2f,
total:%.2f\n ,
avg_fft_duration  ,
avg_zf_duration  ,

◆ fprintf() [6/9]

fprintf ( "Pilot RX duration: %.2f\n ,

◆ fprintf() [7/9]

fprintf ( "Process delay 99th: %.  2f,
ZF delay 99th:%.3f\n ,
proc_delay_99th  ,

◆ fprintf() [8/9]

fprintf ( "Process delay mean: %.2f   std: %.2f,
ZF delay mean:%.2f\n ,
avg_proc_delay  ,
std_proc_delay  ,

◆ fprintf() [9/9]

fprintf ( '99th:%.  2f,
max:%.2f\n ,
tail_proc_duration  ,

◆ legend() [1/3]

legend ( { 'FFT in function', 'ZF in function', 'Demodulation in function', 'ZF'}  )

◆ legend() [2/3]

legend ( { 'FFT of pilots', 'ZF', 'Demodulation', 'RX', "Deocde"}  )

◆ legend() [3/3]

legend ( {sprintf('RX duration(avg:%.2f us)', avg_rx_duration),... sprintf('Precode done(avg:%.2f us)', avg_precode_duration),... sprintf('IFFT done(avg:%.2f us)', avg_proc_duration)}  ,
'Location'  ,

◆ plot() [1/13]

plot ( demul_time_in_function(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [2/13]

plot ( fft_duration(1:frame_count ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [3/13]

plot ( fft_time_in_function(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [4/13]

plot ( frame_duration_demul(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [5/13]

plot ( frame_duration_encode(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [6/13]

plot ( frame_duration_fft(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [7/13]

plot ( frame_duration_rx(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [8/13]

plot ( frame_duration_tx(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [9/13]

plot ( frame_duration_zf(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [10/13]

plot ( pilot_recv(1:end) -frame_start(1:end)  ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [11/13]

plot ( process_delay(1:frame_count ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [12/13]

plot ( zf_duration(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ plot() [13/13]

plot ( zf_time_in_function(subset ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ set() [1/5]

set ( gca  ,
'FontSize ,

◆ set() [2/5]

set ( gca  ,
'FontSize ,

◆ set() [3/5]

set ( h1  ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ set() [4/5]

set ( h2  ,
'LineWidth'  ,

◆ set() [5/5]

set ( h3  ,
'LineWidth'  ,
'LineStyle'  ,
'--'  ,
'Color'  ,

◆ threads()

Pilot RX by socket threads ( )

◆ title() [1/4]

title ( 'CDF of frame duration and processing duration'  )

◆ title() [2/4]

title ( 'Delay between main thread and rx thread'  )

◆ title() [3/4]

title ( 'Processing delay'  )

◆ title() [4/4]

title ( 'TX duration'  )

◆ xlabel() [1/4]

xlabel ( 'Delay(us)'  )

◆ xlabel() [2/4]

xlabel ( 'Duration(us)'  )

◆ xlabel() [3/4]

xlabel ( 'Frame id )

◆ xlabel() [4/4]

xlabel ( 'Time(us)'  )

◆ ylabel() [1/3]

ylabel ( 'Delay(us)'  )

◆ ylabel() [2/3]

ylabel ( 'Duration(us)'  )

◆ ylabel() [3/3]

ylabel ( 'Time(us)'  )

Variable Documentation

◆ all_pilot_received

all_pilot_received = temp{4}

◆ avg_fft_duration

avg_fft_duration = mean(fft_duration(subset))

◆ avg_frame_duration

avg_frame_duration = mean(frame_duration(subset))

◆ avg_ifft_duration

avg_ifft_duration = mean(ifft_duration(subset))

◆ avg_precode_duration

avg_precode_duration = mean(frame_duration_precode(subset))

◆ avg_proc_delay

avg_proc_delay = mean(process_delay(subset))

◆ avg_proc_duration

avg_proc_duration = mean(frame_duration_ifft(subset))

◆ avg_proc_start

avg_proc_start = mean(process_start(subset))

◆ avg_rx_duration

avg_rx_duration = mean(frame_duration_rx(subset))

◆ avg_tx_duration

avg_tx_duration = mean(frame_duration_tx(1200:length(frame_duration_tx)-1))

◆ avg_zf_duration

avg_zf_duration = mean(zf_duration(subset))

◆ clf


◆ demul_duration

demul_duration = demul_processed-zf_processed

◆ encode_processed

encode_processed = temp{9}

◆ fft_duration

fft_duration = fft_processed

◆ fft_processed

fft_processed = temp{5}

◆ fid

fid = fopen('../files/experiment/timeresult.txt')

◆ frame_count

frame_count = length(precode_processed)

◆ frame_duration

frame_duration = diff(frame_start)

◆ frame_duration_encode

frame_duration_encode = encode_processed

◆ frame_duration_fft

frame_duration_fft = fft_processed

◆ frame_duration_ifft

frame_duration_ifft = ifft_processed

◆ frame_duration_precode

frame_duration_precode = precode_processed

◆ frame_duration_processing

frame_duration_processing = max([frame_duration,frame_duration_encode(1:end-1)],[],2)

◆ frame_duration_rx

frame_duration_rx = rx_processed

◆ frame_duration_rx1

frame_duration_rx1 = diff(frame_start)

◆ frame_duration_tx

frame_duration_tx = diff(frame_ends)

◆ frame_duration_zf

frame_duration_zf = zf_processed

◆ frame_ends

frame_ends =temp{1}

◆ frame_start

frame_start = temp{1}

◆ h1

h1 = cdfplot(process_delay(subset))

◆ h2

◆ h3

◆ ifft_duration

ifft_duration = ifft_processed - zf_duration

◆ ifft_processed

ifft_processed = temp{8}

◆ index

index = [1:frame_count]

◆ kEncodeDone

Pilot RX by socket kEncodeDone

◆ kFFTDone

Pilot RX by socket kFFTDone

◆ kIFFTDone

Pilot RX by socket kIFFTDone

◆ kPilotAllRX

Pilot RX by socket kPilotAllRX

◆ kPilotRX

Pilot RX by socket kPilotRX

◆ kPrecodeDone

Pilot RX by socket kPrecodeDone

◆ kProcessingStarted

Pilot RX by socket kProcessingStarted

◆ kZFDone

Pilot RX by socket kZFDone

◆ on

grid on

◆ pilot_recv

pilot_recv =temp{2}

◆ pilot_rx_duration

pilot_rx_duration = all_pilot_received

◆ precode_processed

precode_processed = temp{7}

◆ proc_delay_99th

proc_delay_99th = x_set(1)

◆ process_delay

process_delay = demul_processed-rx_processed

◆ process_start

process_start = temp{3}

◆ queueing_delay

queueing_delay = process_start

◆ rx_processed

rx_processed = temp{10}

◆ std_proc_delay

std_proc_delay = std(process_delay(subset))

◆ std_proc_duration

std_proc_duration = std(frame_duration_ifft(subset))

◆ subset

subset = index(1200:frame_count-2)

◆ tail_proc_duration

tail_proc_duration = x_set(1)

◆ temp

temp = textscan(fid,"%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f", 'HeaderLines',2)

◆ x_proc_delay

x_proc_delay = ecdf(frame_duration_ifft(subset))

◆ x_set

x_set = x_proc_delay(f_proc_delay>0.99)

◆ zf_delay_99th

zf_delay_99th = x_set(1)

◆ zf_duration

zf_duration = zf_processed-fft_processed

◆ zf_processed

zf_processed = temp{6}