Agora  1.2.0
Agora project
format-inl.h File Reference
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cerrno>
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstring>
#include <cwchar>
#include <exception>
#include <locale>
#include "format.h"
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struct  fmt::v8::detail::basic_impl_data< T >
struct  fmt::v8::detail::impl_data
struct  fmt::v8::detail::bits< T >
struct  fmt::v8::detail::fp
struct  fmt::v8::detail::accumulator
class  fmt::v8::detail::bigint
struct  fmt::v8::detail::gen_digits_handler
struct  fmt::v8::detail::uint128_wrapper
struct  fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::divtest_table_entry< T >
struct  fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::cache_accessor< T >
struct  fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::cache_accessor< float >
struct  fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::cache_accessor< double >
struct  fmt::v8::formatter< detail::bigint >




#define FMT_SNPRINTF   snprintf


enum  fmt::v8::detail::round_direction { fmt::v8::detail::round_direction::unknown, fmt::v8::detail::round_direction::up, fmt::v8::detail::round_direction::down }
enum  fmt::v8::detail::digits::result { fmt::v8::detail::digits::more, fmt::v8::detail::digits::done, fmt::v8::detail::digits::error }


void fmt::v8::detail::assert_fail (const char *file, int line, const char *message)
void fmt::v8::detail::throw_format_error (const char *message)
void fmt::v8::detail::format_error_code (detail::buffer< char > &out, int error_code, string_view message) throw ()
void fmt::v8::detail::report_error (format_func func, int error_code, const char *message) throw ()
void fmt::v8::detail::fwrite_fully (const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream)
template<typename Char >
auto fmt::v8::detail::thousands_sep_impl (locale_ref loc) -> thousands_sep_result< Char >
template<typename Char >
Char fmt::v8::detail::decimal_point_impl (locale_ref loc)
std::system_error fmt::v8::vsystem_error (int error_code, string_view format_str, format_args args)
int fmt::v8::detail::count_digits< 4 > (detail::fallback_uintptr n)
template<typename Float >
constexpr int fmt::v8::detail::num_significand_bits ()
template<int SHIFT = 0>
fp fmt::v8::detail::normalize (fp value)
bool fmt::v8::detail::operator== (fp x, fp y)
uint64_t fmt::v8::detail::multiply (uint64_t lhs, uint64_t rhs)
fp fmt::v8::detail::operator* (fp x, fp y)
fp fmt::v8::detail::get_cached_power (int min_exponent, int &pow10_exponent)
round_direction fmt::v8::detail::get_round_direction (uint64_t divisor, uint64_t remainder, uint64_t error)
digits::result fmt::v8::detail::grisu_gen_digits (fp value, uint64_t error, int &exp, gen_digits_handler &handler)
uint128_wrapper fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::umul128 (uint64_t x, uint64_t y) throw ()
uint64_t fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::umul128_upper64 (uint64_t x, uint64_t y) throw ()
uint64_t fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::umul192_upper64 (uint64_t x, uint128_wrapper y) throw ()
uint32_t fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::umul96_upper32 (uint32_t x, uint64_t y) throw ()
uint64_t fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::umul192_middle64 (uint64_t x, uint128_wrapper y) throw ()
uint64_t fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::umul96_lower64 (uint32_t x, uint64_t y) throw ()
int fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::floor_log10_pow2 (int e) throw ()
int fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::floor_log2_pow10 (int e) throw ()
int fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::floor_log10_pow2_minus_log10_4_over_3 (int e) throw ()
bool fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::divisible_by_power_of_2 (uint32_t x, int exp) throw ()
bool fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::divisible_by_power_of_2 (uint64_t x, int exp) throw ()
bool fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::divisible_by_power_of_5 (uint32_t x, int exp) throw ()
bool fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::divisible_by_power_of_5 (uint64_t x, int exp) throw ()
template<int N>
bool fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::check_divisibility_and_divide_by_pow5 (uint32_t &n) throw ()
template<int N>
uint32_t fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::small_division_by_pow10 (uint32_t n) throw ()
uint32_t fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::divide_by_10_to_kappa_plus_1 (uint32_t n) throw ()
uint64_t fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::divide_by_10_to_kappa_plus_1 (uint64_t n) throw ()
template<class T >
bool fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::is_left_endpoint_integer_shorter_interval (int exponent) throw ()
template<class T >
bool fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::is_endpoint_integer (typename float_info< T >::carrier_uint two_f, int exponent, int minus_k) throw ()
template<class T >
bool fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::is_center_integer (typename float_info< T >::carrier_uint two_f, int exponent, int minus_k) throw ()
int fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::remove_trailing_zeros (uint32_t &n) throw ()
int fmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::remove_trailing_zeros (uint64_t &n) throw ()
template<class T >
decimal_fp< Tfmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::shorter_interval_case (int exponent) throw ()
template<typename T >
decimal_fp< Tfmt::v8::detail::dragonbox::to_decimal (T x) throw ()
void fmt::v8::detail::format_dragon (fp value, bool is_predecessor_closer, int num_digits, buffer< char > &buf, int &exp10)
template<typename Float >
int fmt::v8::detail::format_float (Float value, int precision, float_specs specs, buffer< char > &buf)
template<typename T >
int fmt::v8::detail::snprintf_float (T value, int precision, float_specs specs, buffer< char > &buf)
void fmt::v8::format_system_error (detail::buffer< char > &out, int error_code, const char *message) throw ()
void fmt::v8::report_system_error (int error_code, const char *message) throw ()
auto fmt::v8::vformat (string_view fmt, format_args args) -> std::string
void fmt::v8::detail::print (std::FILE *f, string_view text)
void fmt::v8::vprint (std::FILE *f, string_view fmt, format_args args)
void fmt::v8::vprint (string_view fmt, format_args args)


static constexpr uint64_t fmt::v8::detail::log10_2_significand = 0x4d104d427de7fbcc

Macro Definition Documentation


#define FMT_SNPRINTF   snprintf