Agora project
This is the complete list of members for matplotlibcpp::Plot, including all inherited members.
clear() | matplotlibcpp::Plot | inline |
decref() | matplotlibcpp::Plot | inlineprivate |
line | matplotlibcpp::Plot | private |
Plot(const std::string &name, const std::vector< Numeric > &x, const std::vector< Numeric > &y, const std::string &format="") | matplotlibcpp::Plot | inline |
Plot(const std::string &name="", const std::string &format="") | matplotlibcpp::Plot | inline |
remove() | matplotlibcpp::Plot | inline |
set_data_fct | matplotlibcpp::Plot | private |
update(const std::vector< Numeric > &x, const std::vector< Numeric > &y) | matplotlibcpp::Plot | inline |
~Plot() | matplotlibcpp::Plot | inline |