Agora project
This is the complete list of members for TxRxWorkerHw, including all inherited members.
can_proceed_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
cfg_ | TxRxWorker | private |
channels_per_interface_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
cond_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
Configuration() | TxRxWorker | inlineprotected |
core_offset_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
DoRx(size_t interface_id, size_t &global_frame_id, size_t &global_symbol_id) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
DoTx(long long time0) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
DoTxRx() final | TxRxWorkerHw | virtual |
event_notify_q_ | TxRxWorker | private |
first_symbol_ | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
freq_ghz_ | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
GetHwTime() | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
GetPendingTxEvents(size_t max_events=0) | TxRxWorker | protected |
GetRxPacket() | TxRxWorker | protected |
GetTxFlags(size_t radio_id, size_t tx_symbol_id) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
GetTxPacket(size_t frame, size_t symbol, size_t ant) | TxRxWorker | protected |
GetUlTxPacket(size_t frame, size_t symbol, size_t ant) | TxRxWorker | protected |
Id() const | TxRxWorker | inline |
InitRxStatus() | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
interface_offset_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
IsRxSymbol(size_t interface, size_t symbol_id) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
IsTxSymbolNext(size_t radio_id, size_t current_symbol) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
kDebugTxMemory | TxRxWorker | static |
mutex_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
notify_producer_token_ | TxRxWorker | private |
NotifyComplete(const EventData &complete_event) | TxRxWorker | protected |
num_interfaces_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
PrintRxSymbolTiming(std::vector< TxRxWorkerRx::RxTimeTracker > &rx_times, size_t current_frame, size_t current_symbol, size_t next_symbol) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
program_start_ticks_ | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
radio_config_ | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
ResetRxStatus(size_t interface, bool reuse_memory) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
ReturnRxPacket(RxPacket &unused_packet) | TxRxWorker | protected |
Running() const | TxRxWorker | inline |
running_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
rx_frame_start_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
rx_memory_ | TxRxWorker | private |
rx_memory_idx_ | TxRxWorker | private |
rx_status_ | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
ScheduleTxInit(size_t frames_to_schedule, long long time0) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
Start() | TxRxWorker | virtual |
Started() const | TxRxWorker | inline |
started_ | TxRxWorker | private |
Stop() | TxRxWorker | virtual |
thread_ | TxRxWorker | private |
tid_ | TxRxWorker | protected |
tx_memory_ | TxRxWorker | private |
tx_pending_q_ | TxRxWorker | private |
tx_producer_token_ | TxRxWorker | private |
TxBeaconHw(size_t frame_id, size_t interface_id, long long time0) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
TxDownlinkZeros(size_t frame_id, size_t radio_id, long long time0) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
TxReciprocityCalibPilots(size_t frame_id, size_t radio_id, long long time0) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
TxRxWorker(size_t core_offset, size_t tid, size_t interface_count, size_t interface_offset, size_t channels_per_interface, Config *const config, size_t *rx_frame_start, moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< EventData > *event_notify_q, moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< EventData > *tx_pending_q, moodycamel::ProducerToken &tx_producer, moodycamel::ProducerToken ¬ify_producer, std::vector< RxPacket > &rx_memory, std::byte *const tx_memory, std::mutex &sync_mutex, std::condition_variable &sync_cond, std::atomic< bool > &can_proceed) | TxRxWorker | |
TxRxWorker()=delete | TxRxWorker | |
TxRxWorkerHw(size_t core_offset, size_t tid, size_t interface_count, size_t interface_offset, Config *const config, size_t *rx_frame_start, moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< EventData > *event_notify_q, moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< EventData > *tx_pending_q, moodycamel::ProducerToken &tx_producer, moodycamel::ProducerToken ¬ify_producer, std::vector< RxPacket > &rx_memory, std::byte *const tx_memory, std::mutex &sync_mutex, std::condition_variable &sync_cond, std::atomic< bool > &can_proceed, RadioConfig &radio_config) | TxRxWorkerHw | |
TxRxWorkerHw()=delete | TxRxWorkerHw | |
UpdateRxInterface(const TxRxWorkerRx::RxParameters &last_rx) | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
WaitSync() | TxRxWorker | protected |
zeros_ | TxRxWorkerHw | private |
~TxRxWorker() | TxRxWorker | virtual |
~TxRxWorkerHw() final | TxRxWorkerHw |