Agora project
This is the complete list of members for Channel, including all inherited members.
ApplyChan(const arma::cx_fmat &fmat_src, arma::cx_fmat &mat_dst, const bool is_downlink, const bool is_newChan) | Channel | |
Awgn(const arma::cx_fmat &fmat_src, arma::cx_fmat &fmat_dst) const | Channel | |
bs_ant_ | Channel | private |
cfg_ | Channel | private |
chan_model_ | Channel | private |
ChanModel enum name | Channel | private |
Channel(const Config *const config, std::string &channel_type, double channel_snr) | Channel | |
channel_ | Channel | private |
channel_snr_db_ | Channel | private |
h_ | Channel | private |
kAwgn enum value | Channel | private |
kRan3Gpp enum value | Channel | private |
kRayleigh enum value | Channel | private |
Lte3gpp(const arma::cx_fmat &fmat_src, arma::cx_fmat &fmat_dst) | Channel | |
n_samps_ | Channel | private |
noise_samp_std_ | Channel | private |
sim_chan_model_ | Channel | private |
ue_ant_ | Channel | private |
~Channel() | Channel |